Azusa, California
Temporary Campus Life Coordinator - Campus LifeAzusa, California
Student Care and Wellness Coordinator - UCC and Campus WellnessAzusa, California
Temporary TRIO Student Support Specialist - McNair ScholarAzusa, California
Administrative Manager - Education and Behavioral SciencesAzusa, California
Azusa Pacific University is a comprehensive, evangelical, Christian university located 26 miles northeast of Los Angeles, California. A leader in the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, APU is committed to excellence in higher education. Offering more than 100 associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs on campus, online, and at six regional centers across Southern California, APU continues to be recognized annually as one of America’s Best Colleges by U.S.News & World Report.
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As an evangelical Christian community of disciples and scholars, Azusa Pacific University approaches diversity from a biblical perspective, affirming that diversity is an expression of God’s image, love, and boundless creativity.
We believe that all people, without exception, bear the image of God (Genesis 1:27; 9:6; James 3:9). We also believe that, because sin has marred each individual, Christ, in His great love, chose to die on the cross for the sake of every person (I John 2:2; John 3:16) so that all may receive forgiveness for sin and be reconciled to God. Our pursuit of diversity involves fulfilling Christ’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 19:19; Mark 12:31, Luke 10:27). We support a diverse university across lines of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, socioeconomic status, class, age, and ability. In submitting to the Lordship of Christ we seek to eliminate attitudes of superiority and failure to fulfill Christ’s charge to reach all peoples. Therefore, we must submit to Christ and love one another as we appreciate individual uniqueness while pursuing the unity for which Jesus prayed (John 17:21).
Biblical Foundations
Matthew 28:19-20 – The Great Commission
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 22:37-40 – The Two Greatest Commandments
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
We believe that diversity can only be properly understood in light of God’s revelation to humankind through the Bible (John 14:6; 2 Timothy 3:16-17).
We advocate a behavior regarding diversity that is anchored in the prerogative of love—God’s love for all people (John 3:16) and His command to love Him and each other (Matthew 22:37-40).
This love:
In addition to those mentioned above, a Christian approach to diversity should be characterized by the following:
To this end we are committed to the following goals:
University Community:
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Azusa Pacific University is a community like no other, where the individual stories of students, graduates, professors, coaches, and staff connect to a collective identity—we prepare and serve as difference makers, ready to impact the world for Christ. Our mission as disciples and scholars begins on campus, and it spreads outward to the local region, the nation, and beyond. Experience the story of Azusa Pacific through the people who comprise the heart of the university.
View their biographical video archive on the different journies their students have taken:
Developed as a team by the Academic and President’s cabinets
February 2004
“Azusa Pacific University is an evangelical Christian community of disciples and scholars who seek to advance the work of God in the world through academic excellence in liberal arts and professional programs of higher education that encourage students to develop a Christian perspective of truth and life.”
We strive to be an exemplary university that is Christ-centered and evangelical, recognized for excellence that honors God through transformational scholarship, life-giving community, and selfless service.
We will be known as a university that is Christ-centered.
We will be known as a university distinguished by transformational Scholarship (Romans 12:2).
We will be known as a university that embodies life-giving Community.
We will be known as a university that practices selfless Service.
We will provide resources and an infrastructure for the attainment of our Strategic Priorities.
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